Lost Legends: Snow vs Snouts
Sharing the final Lost Legend and a development update
In the northern hemisphere, we’re deep into the snowy season, when your only chance at staying vertical on the street is to wear spiky shoes. And when I say deep, I mean literally snowed in. Inspired by our frosty adventures, this month we’re bringing you Snow vs Snouts, a Lost Legend in which you get to wield a beefed-up redstone launcher in a winter wonderland!
Snow vs Snouts brings a brand-new combat style to the game, in which you focus on destroying piglin bases from afar, using an enhanced version of the powerful redstone launcher. Compared to its base game counterpart, the launcher you wield in this Lost Legend has a faster cooldown and (de)construction rate for more mobility and greater attack power. Plus, it has a knockback effect that makes blasting piglins with it really, really satisfying.
Think this’ll be easy breezy? Here’s the catch: in this Lost Legend you can’t control mobs or build other structures – the single redstone launcher is all you have at your disposal to take down the piglins. So make sure you have your ranged attack skills down pat before you attempt this challenge! Succeed and you will receive the Snow Guardian hero skin for cleansing the frozen landscape of the piglins and their contraptions.
While Snow vs. Snouts is the last Lost Legend we’re releasing, make sure you check out previous challenges. There’s a total of nine Lost Legends you can play right now, whether you’re looking for an intense battle or you just want to play as a llama. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t?
A development update
Since launch, we’ve been working hard together with Blackbird Interactive to bring improvements and new features to Minecraft Legends based on your feedback. With Minecraft Legends, we took a completely new approach to gameplay, so much so that we had to make up a new genre for it (kind of): action strategy. Our community has always helped us shape our games and that’s something we value greatly, especially when launching a completely new game.
自从游戏发布以来,我们一直与Blackbird Interactive工作室通力合作,根据您的反馈来改进“我的世界传奇”,添加的新功能。在“我的世界传奇”中,我们采用了全新的游戏玩法,非常新,至使我们创造一个(某种程度上的)新类型来称呼它:动作策略。我们非常重视一直帮助我们塑造游戏的社区,特别是在新游戏刚推出时。
The latest title update brought the fearless frog, witches, clangers, air choppers and a host of enhancements to the game’s mechanics, making the battles in Minecraft Legends even more intense. And, thanks to your input, we’ve made various tweaks to the gameplay and interface, from enhanced pathfinding to a more comprehensive Battle View UI.
最新的标题更新添加了无畏青蛙、女巫、clangers、air choppers以及游戏机制的一系列增强,这让“我的世界传奇”中的战斗更加激烈。并且,得益于玩家们的反馈,我们对游戏玩法和界面进行了各种调整,从优化的入口找到更全面的战斗界面。
Since launch, we've listened to community feedback and implemented a series of changes and tweaks to make the game better. With that complete, we're now going to take a step back from development. While we won’t be releasing any new content (i.e. updates, Lost Legends, or Marketplace DLC) for Minecraft Legends, the fun doesn't stop here. We'll continue having a blast playing the game alongside our community because those rowdy piglins are showing no signs of slowing down. Plus, we’re leaving you one last freebie: the Bright-Eyed Hero skin, which you can claim now on Minecraft Legends Marketplace. Illuminate your path forward and continue fighting the good fight!
自游戏发布以来,我们倾听社区反馈,并实施一系列的更改和调整,让游戏变得更好。现在,这项工作已经完成,我们将退出开发。虽然我们不会为“我的世界传奇”发布任何新的内容(即更新、失落的传说或在发售DLC),但快乐并不止步于此。我们将继续与社区一起享受游戏的乐趣,因为那些恼人的猪灵没有丝毫懈怠的迹象。另外,我们还留给您最后一个免费礼物: Bright-Eyed 英雄皮肤,现在可以在“我的世界传奇”商店页面领取。点亮您的前路,继续为正义而战!

Our existing Lost Legends challenges will remain available for free, and you’ll still be able to reap the rewards if you claim victory. We will of course continue to offer technical support to players, and we won’t be removing any functionalities or features from the game. PvP and co-op will also remain fully functional, so you can continue playing whether you prefer to take on the piglins by yourself or battle alongside (or against) friends.
Thank you for following along this heroic journey and helping us make Minecraft Legends the game it is today. With the support of our team, our partners, and the Minecraft community, we’re going to continue exploring the types of games we're passionate about and bringing new experiences to the Minecraft universe. Together, we united the Overworld, made some adorably scary friends, and most importantly, showed those piglins that they messed with the wrong dimension, again and again. Keep your banners raised because the Overworld will always need a hero!
原作者 Cristina Anderca 发布于 2024/01/10

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