A Minecraft Java Snapshot
Minecraft 快照20w13b(包括20w13a的内容)
Minecraft Java版快照
Ever felt that you want to take a ride across fields of lava? Yeah? Me too! This snapshot introduces the adorable(?) Strider. It might need some help with directions...
Edit: We've now released 20w13b to fix a few bugs.
- MC-175177 - Exhausting, breaking or obstructing the respawn anchor creates ghost blocks in the overworld when breaking blocks
- 耗尽能量、破坏或者遮挡重生锚,会导致在主世界破坏方块时产生幽灵方块。
- MC-175988 - Dying without a valid spawnpoint causes a softlock
- 当玩家死亡时没有可用的重生点时,游戏会假死。(softlock:软锁)
- MC-176004 - Cannot interact with the world after dying in the end or the nether without a valid spawn point
- 玩家在下界或末地死亡时没有可用的重生点的话,玩家无法与任何东西交互。
- Added the lodestone
- 添加了磁石
- Added the Strider
- 添加了炽足兽
- Basalt is formed when lava flows over soul soil next to blue ice
- 当岩浆处于灵魂沙上方同时与蓝冰接触时,将会生成玄武岩
- Farmer villagers can now compost seeds
- 农民村民会用种子堆肥了
- A new block that can help you get your bearings!
- 一种可以帮你找到方向的新方块
- Crafted from a Netherite ingot and chiseled stone bricks
- 可以用下界合金锭和錾制石砖合成
- Use a compass on a lodestone to create a lodestone compass pointing to that lodestone
- 手持指南针右键磁石,可以得到指向这个磁石的磁化指南针
- A new mob living the lava lakes of the Nether.
- 一种在下界岩浆湖生活的新生物。
- Striders can walk on top of the surface of lava
- 炽足兽可以在岩浆表面行走。
- Can be saddled, but has a will of its own
- 可以装备鞍,不过它有自己的想法。
- Really likes the smell of warped fungi – might even be convinced to follow it
- 很喜欢诡异菌的味道——甚至会跟着它走。
- Farmers can now put excess seeds in the composter to create bone meal
- 农民会将多出来的种子放进堆肥桶堆肥来获得骨粉。
- Bone meal is used by the farmers to grow crops
- 农民会使用骨粉催熟作物。
- Farmers share excess wheat to other farmers, so more farmers can make bread
- 农民会将多余的小麦分享给别的农夫,这样就有更多的农夫可以制作小麦了。
- You're now more likely to get soul speed books and boots from bartering with Piglins
- 提高了与猪灵以物易物时获得有灵魂疾走附魔的书和鞋子的概率。
- You now can charge the respawn anchor using a dispenser
- 你可以用发射器为重生锚充能了。
- Jigsaw Block
- 拼图方块(?)
- A fishing location is now considered to be open water if the fishing hook is in water, there are no blocks besides lily pads above water and all water blocks are source blocks with no solid underwater blocks around
- 钓鱼时的开放水域现在定义为,浮标漂浮的地方附近没有荷叶以外任何方块,所有的水都是水源方块,水中没有任何实体方块(栅栏等无法穿过的方块)。
- Jigsaw can now have one of 12 orientations
- 拼图方块现在有12个朝向了。
- Added new property Joint type to describe if attached piece can be rotated (rollable) or not (aligned)
- 新增了属性 Joint type 来描述拼图片是否可以旋转(rollable)(不能旋转为 aligned)。
- NBT field target_pool has been renamed to pool
- NBT字段 target_pool 现在叫 pool。
- - attachement_type has been split into name (on parent block) and target (on child block).
- attachement_type 现在拆分成了 name (在父方块上)和 target (在子方块上)。
- MC-118080 - Bows without pulling predicate animate when other bows are pulled back
- 没有 pull 断言的弓会在别的弓拉动的时候被拉开。
- MC-154427 - Villagers only pick up four stacks of items
- 村民只能捡起4组物品。
- MC-171003 - Crimson and Warped stairs, planks and slabs can be used as fuel in a furnace
- 绯红/诡异的楼梯、木板、台阶都可以放入熔炉作燃料了。
- MC-171286 - Warped fences and Crimson fences don’t connect with other fences
- 绯红/诡异 栅栏不会连接到别的栅栏。
- MC-171484 - Shields, crossbows, bows, and fishing rods don’t show their proper animations in first person mode after certain actions
- 做了特定动作之后,第一人称下的盾牌、弩、弓、钓鱼竿的动画会出问题。
- MC-171526 - en_us.json issue: weeping_vines and weeping_vines_plant have the same name
- en_us.json出现问题:weeping_vines 和 weeping_vines_plant 有同样的名字。
- MC-171830 - Smokers cannot be crafted using crimson or warped stems
- 绯红/诡异菌柄不能用于合成烟熏炉。
- MC-172123 - Using a spawn egg on a mob without a baby variant spawns an adult mob of the same type without a weapon
- 对着没有幼年形态的生物使用刷怪蛋会导致刷出来的生物没有武器。
- MC-172279 - Can’t craft campfire with nether stems or hyphae
- 下界的菌柄、菌核不能用于合成营火。
- MC-172307 - All loaded tileticks instantly run in the first tick after loading the chunk
- 区块加载后的下一个tick会执行所有已经加载的tileticks。
- MC-173258 - Back of zombified piglin heads has very different texture/shading compared to the other sides
- 僵尸猪灵头部后面的材质/阴影和别的面差别太大。
- MC-173367 - Arrows are floating in midair after being pushed by piston
- 箭矢被活塞推动之后会浮空。
- MC-173791 - Mobs dismount vehicles only in front of the boat, even if there is danger ahead
- 下船的实体永远出现在船头,无论船头那里是否危险。
- MC-174368 - Minecarts can no longer eject entities into an open trap door
- 从矿车里出来的实体无法穿过活版门。
- MC-174428 - Nylium can be bonemealed underwater with seagrass above it
- 可以对水下长者海草的菌岩使用骨粉。
- MC-174434 - Sugar Cane, Kelp and Bamboo are in the incorrect creative inventory tab
- 甘蔗、海带和竹子不在正确的创造模式物品分类栏。
- MC-174481 - en_us.json issue: twisting_vines and twisting_vines_plant have the same name
- en_us.json出现问题:twisting_vines 和 twisting_vines_plant 有同样的名字。(和上面某个问题一样。)
- MC-174510 - Stems, Hyphae, and variants do not use the Nether Wood material
- 菌柄、菌核以其变种没有使用 Nether Wood Material (在代码中不被视为 Nether Wood Material )
- MC-174537 - Zombie Pigman hooves are still visible on Zombified Piglin texture
- 僵尸猪人材质的蹄子依旧留下痕迹在僵尸猪灵的材质上。
- MC-174547 - Kelp, Weeping Vines, and Twisted Vines can be bonemealed at age 25
- 可以用骨粉催熟达到“25 age”的海带、垂泪藤、缠怨藤。
- MC-174642 - Hitbox of twisting vine is incorrect
- 缠怨藤的碰撞箱有问题。
- MC-174731 - Modifying “soul.json” (inside of “particles” folder) causes crash
- 修改 particles 文件夹内的 soul.json 会导致游戏崩溃。
- MC-174787 - Arrow physics don’t work correctly when in a target that is moved
- 被移动的标靶上的箭的物理表现有问题。
- MC-174823 - Sprinting and walking scoreboards don’t update properly
- 疾跑和行走时记分板不会正常更新。
- MC-174988 - Bee nests are brown on maps
- 蜂巢在地图上是棕色的。
- MC-175165 - Using glowstone on a respawn anchor doesn’t consume it
- 萤石充能重生锚时不会被消耗。
- MC-175171 - Fishing bobber can get stuck on a ledge when being reeled in
- 浮漂可能会在收回的时候会卡在岸边。
- MC-175174 - Respawn anchor is considered obstructed if all its sides are covered or air
- 四面被遮住或都为空气的重生锚会被判定为被阻挡了。
- MC-175178 - Anchor uses up the glowstone charge even though it didn’t respawn you
- 重生锚会在没有成功重生玩家的时候消耗萤石能量。
- MC-175185 - No datafixer for item AttributeModifiers UUIDs
- 物品的 AttributeModifiers(属性设置) 中的UUID没有相应的 datafixer(数据修复)(导致旧版本的物品属性设置在新版本失效)
- MC-175191 - Respawn Anchor charging cannot be heard by other players
- 重生锚充能音效无法传达给别的玩家。
- MC-175193 - Using glowstone in the offhand does not charge respawn anchor
- 萤石拿在副手上时不能充能重生锚。
- MC-175199 - In snowy_medium_house_2, some blocks are still misrotated
- snowy_medium_house_2 中部分方块的朝向还是错的。
- MC-175204 - Four misrotated blocks in snowy_masons_house_1
- snowy_masons_house_1 中有四个方块朝向错误。
- MC-175208 - Incorrect grammar “Your have no home bed or respawn anchor, or it was obstructed.”
- 这一句语法错误:“Your have no home bed or respawn anchor,or it was obstructed.”
- MC-175209 - Dying in a different dimension than your respawn anchor will cause the anchor to not play the depletion sound
- 在重生锚以外的维度死亡后,重生在重生锚不会播放消耗萤石能量的音效。
- MC-175210 - Respawn anchor uses a charge after leaving the end dimension through the end portal
- 通过离开末地的传送门时会消耗重生锚的能量。
- MC-175218 - Looking at a map of an area with spruce sign, jungle sign or dark oak sign in it crashes the game
- 查看含有云杉木、丛林木或深色橡木的告示牌的区域的地图会使游戏崩溃。
- MC-175219 - Respawn Anchor plays the “Respawn Point set” sound when right-clicked even when its already your respawn point
- 重生锚会在你右键时播放“重生锚:设置出生点”音效,即使你已经设置出生点在这里了。
- MC-175224 - Nether gold ore does not yield any experience when mined
- 下界金矿石在开采后不掉落任何经验。
- MC-175239 - Villagers are generated very rarely in villages
- 村子里几乎不生成村民。
- MC-175278 - Fishing near lily pads prevents players from receiving treasure loot table
- 在荷叶附近钓鱼不会钓到宝藏。(即使在开阔水域)
- MC-175289 - Respawn anchor isn’t in the #dragon_immune tag
- 重生锚不在 #dragon_immune(无视末影龙的破坏) 标签里。
- MC-175322 - Clicking on a fully charged respawn anchor with a glowstone block doesn’t activate it
- 手持萤石右键充能完毕的重生锚无法设置重生点。
- MC-175327 - The crafting recipe of Polished Basalt is inconsistent
- 磨制玄武岩的合成配方有些不符常理。
- MC-175514 - Villager Gossips still use old UUID NBT format (TargetMost and TargetLeast)
- 村民的流言依旧使用旧版的NBT的UUID格式(TargetMost和TargetLeast)
- MC-175827 - Entities not loading in structure blocks (duplicate UUID)
- 结构方块无法加载实体(UUID重复)
- MC-175830 - F3 + I copies UUID
- F3 + I 可以复制UUID
Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Snapshots can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
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- Head over to our feedback website or come chat with us about it on the official Minecraft Discord.
- 请前往我们的反馈网站或者在Minecraft官方Discord账号上与我们聊天
原网址:Minecraft net
原作者:Adrian Östergård